A Day in the Life of Account Based Marketing — Day 1

Fara Hain
1 min readJun 13, 2017


Well, it’s not really day one, day one started six months ago when I read a #flipmyfunnel article on ABM and decided to convince a few people at my company to try it. Or, more accurately, decided to add a slide on ABM to my presentation at our company’s sales kickoff, and pretended to have a plan. This bought me a few months to figure it out and kick something off before someone realizes I promised it and did not yet deliver.

If you’re looking for an ABM implementation roadmap (of sorts)— I’m keeping my notes here in case they might be helpful to others. I am implementing ABM for a growth-stage, 580-employee startup in Boston. We have a well-oiled machine for lead-gen, sales development and inside / field sales. We decided that’s not enough. More on that in later posts…

If you want to know who I am, feel free to connect with me on linkedin.

Day 2: “Is ABM Bull$#!t ?” begins here.



Fara Hain

Marketing Gal @runailabs. Kicked off my marketing career at age 7 when sis and i promoted magic shows starring our friends. Success metric = a full living room.